It is good to share

Durdle Door, Dorset, UK
In the spirit of sharing genuine experiences, I share a photo I took while on honeymoon

I notice that when I write, much of my life experiences appear on the page. The most interesting things tend to be things I have some level of familiarity with. This comes with the advantage of having an authenticity that readers may appreciate and relate with. The problem with it is that it shares some of the most intimate parts of my life with the world. I suspect that with any story I write, I will be faced with this struggle between the desire for privacy on one hand and authenticity and realism on the other. 

The two sides must be held in balance. I love to read the honest, the true, the familiar. I appreciate it when others bare their heart to me. Therefore, I want to give back. Yet, my favourite stories contain success and failure, rise and fall. And my personal falls, the low points of those I have encountered, ought not be announced without care for dignity.

So there is a balance somewhere. 

Here's my life. I share it with you. But only up to a point.
