How people react

Whenever I mention to someone that I am writing a novel, the question, 'What is it about?' always comes up.

I think people tend to respond to my answer in one of two ways:

  1. A mix of excitement and surprise - excitement, perhaps because of the uniqueness and difficulty of such an undertaking, perhaps out of anticipation of the finished article. Surprise, for a number of reasons, perhaps the main reason being because I have chosen the medical field. 
  2. A somewhat discouraging wince. They too give a look of surprise like the previous category, but it's a different kind of surprise. It's one from which I sense a certain trepidation. I will talk about this trepidation in a future post.
Novels divide opinion massively. Novels I cherish and would defend vehemently, I have listened to others slate. Books require your time, and if you've come across a good one, no doubt, you have voluntarily given much of your short life to navigate through it to the end. Now it is precious to you. It has probably influenced the way you view the world. You may even feel hurt when somebody doesn't feel the passion you feel for it.

'Oh if only! If only you would see that you are mistaken! Lord of the Flies is beautiful. Simply beautiful...' I have said in the past, but only in my head of course. Out loud, I said something far more politically correct.

People are fascinating. I love their attempts at hiding their feelings to avoid causing offence. Perhaps that is a strength. But then the fact that often I can instantly deduce what they really think from their body language (you'll have to forgive me for sounding like a resident psychologist from Big Brother's Little Brother) could be seen as a weakness.

It's the strengths and weaknesses of man that I am fascinated by. Fascinated enough to shape a story around them. So bear with me, people in category number 2.

